TikTok has become a major player in the social media network marketing game. There are 1 billion users around the world. Yup you read that right 1 billion. Thats a ridiculous amount of people to be able to tap into on your phone.
Your network marketing business should be able to sky rocket right? Well its not that easy. There are some guidelines you need to follow to bring your TikTok following to influencer level. I have listed some of these guidelines below.
- Be Consistent
Just like any other platform consistency is the key to winning on any platform but especially TikTok. TikTokers don’t respect the people that don’t have any consistency.
Matter of a fact most platforms don’t respect those who are not on their grind but TikTok is definitely one of those platforms. You have to post at least 3 – 5 times a week because the way the platform is set up.
2. Don’t Be A Perfectionist
Since TikTok is a platform similar to Twitter where volume is more respected then quality you should definitely not worry about a perfect video.
3. Don’t Worry About The Numbers
Most people are worried that no one is watching then actually just putting up the content to get noticed. You have to build a buzz around you and the way to do so is to keep posting even when the view count or followers aren’t high. You have to push through and keep on keeping on.
4. Short Videos Win
Even though TikTok is actually letting creators make longer videos you want to continue focusing on shorter videos 2-3 minutes is a good guide to go by. If you have a YouTube channel then you might want to build longer videos.
5. Make Ask Me How Videos
This is one of the more standard marketing tactics on social media. First, you make a video demonstrating the product, opportunity, or personal success. As an example, if you’re in the weight-loss industry and have lost a lot of weight thanks to the product or company you’re promoting, you could show a “before” picture or hold up one of your old pieces of clothing (pants or shirts).
After you’ve done this, you close simply with,“Ask me how!”This form of video works well because it favors shorter videos and piques curiosity without annoying viewers.
6. Make How To Videos
How to videos are another easy and standard form of marketing videos because you can lead with value and then at the end of the video lead your followers to click on the link that your selling. Make sure the how to videos co inside with your TikTok videos and not too far out.
7. Controversy Never Hurt
Sometimes you want to give them those raw videos. Something that’s going to make your viewers know where you stand on certain topics. Make videos calling out MLM haters by saying most people who failed simply didn’t put in the work.
While it may seem obvious to successful marketers, it’s a good way to court controversy within the divisive TikTok crowd. Or, if you have an approach to marketing that works for you but goes against mainstream advice, a video about that might be a good approach.
Don’t be afraid of controversy if what you’re doing works. Sometimes, trying to please everyone is a recipe for dancing with mediocrity.controversy typically prompts engagement, but it might not be in the form of a love-bomb. If you can deal with that, it’s a good way to get lots of views quickly.
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