3 Ways to Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Strategy

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3 Ways to Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Strategy

Most leaders struggle to explain big decisions in a way that makes sense to employees.

May 24, 2024

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For all the communication around strategy, we know that leaders at many companies don’t provide the necessary context for employees to understand what the words and sentences in a strategy statement actually mean. What can leaders do to help employees understand enough context to understand a strategy? In this article, the authors offer three recommendations: src) Present the alternatives considered and explain why they were not adopted. 2) Explain how each choice is linked to the organization’s purpose. 3) Involve employees in strategy development.

A pilot once told us a story about an accident on an early morning flight in the src950s. As the aircraft accelerated to take off, the captain noticed his flight engineer’s sullen expression and called out, “Cheer up, George.” But in his sleepy state, what the engineer heard was, “Gear up, George” — and he duly raised the landing gear — prematurely as they were not quite airborne. The aircraft sank onto its fuselage and slid to a halt, causing much damage. Luckily, nobody was hurt.


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Constantinos C. Markides is a professor of strategic and international management at London Business School.



Andrew McLennan is a guest lecturer at London Business School in London England








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Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor®. HBR Learning’s online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Sharpening Your Business Acumen. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies.

Take your career to the next level by learning business and finance basics, and developing an enterprise mindset.

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