48 Laws Of Power And Business

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What’s Up Wealthbuilderz this is the 48 laws of power and business. Remember these laws are super powerful and used correctly you can change your life for the better or worse depending on how you use these laws. So be careful because with great power comes great responsibility. 

Law 1. Never Outshine The Master.

Always make you boss or manager feel like they are smarter then you or know the job better than you. Even if you know this not to be true. 

Law 2. Never Put Too Much Trust In Friends,

Learn How To Use Enemies. Friends in business are more liabilities than an asset. 

Law 3. Always Conceal Your Intentions.

Never let people know your next move before you do it. 

Law 4. Always Say Less Than Necessary.

The less you say the more they wonder. The more they wonder the more powerful you seem to the people that don’t know you. 

Law 5. Guard Your Reputation With Your Life.

Good or Bad Reputation can make or break your business. 

Law 6. Get Attention At All Cost.

Always attempt to stand out In the crowd. There is nothing worse than not being seen when it comes to business.

Law 7. Get Others To Do The Work For You.

Outsource as much as you can. Outsourcing gives you time to do other things while others do the hard work. 

Law 8. Make Other People Come To You.

Your business needs to draw people in. You can’t spend all your time chasing customers. 

Law 9. Win Through Actions, Never Through Argument.

Arguing always makes you look dumb never intelligent. Even if you win the argument you still look bad. 

Law 10. Avoid The Unhappy And Unlucky 

These People Can Drag You Down. This is self explanatory. 

Law 11. Learn To Keep People Dependent On Your Products. 

Don’t create products or services that people can learn to live without. 

Law 12. Use Selective Honesty And Generosity To Disarm Your Victim. 

If your business is ever caught in a scandal. Make sure to put out a press release apologizing for the situation and donate a big amount of money to an Non-profit organization. 

Law 13. When Asking For Help, Appeal To People’s Self Interest Never To Their Mercy or Gratitude.

They need to know whats in it for them to help you. 

Law 14. Pose As A Friend, Work As A Spy. 

You need to know what the competition is up to so you must find ways to get information from them. 

Law 15. Crush Your Enemy Totally 

The best way to do this in business is to buy them out if you can. 

Law 16. Use Absence To Increase Respect And Honor. 

This is tricky to do in business but the best way is to create some products that are limited editions and sell them for limited periods of time. 

Law 17. Cultivate An Air Of Unpredictability.

Keep your competition guessing and always on their toes. Never knowing what you will do next. 

Law 18. Do Not Isolate Yourself. 

Isolation makes you more vulnerable. You have to make sure you’re among the people while always keeping yourself separate. 

Law 19. Know Who Your Dealing With 

Not every opponent is the same and you can’t use all the same tactics on everyone. You have to learn about the people or competition you’re up against. 

Law 20. Do Not Commit To Anyone

Try to stay middle ground and keep your independence to be able to move on your own accord. 

Law 21. Play Dumb When Need Be. 

Keep your competition feeling like you’re dumb and don’t know what’s going on. They will never expect your next move. 

Law 22. Use The Surrender Tactic To Transfer The Power.  

If you know your competition is stronger then you then there is no reason to fight If you know you can’t win. Surrender first.Turn the other cheek and make them think you’re scared and then move on them when they least expect it. 

Law 23. Concentrate Your Forces

Stay focused on your niche. Don’t divert into something else until you’ve reached your goals in that particular niche. 

Law 24. Play The Perfect Right Hand Man.

Sometimes in your journey you have to play the side role, not the main character and lead the lower level people until its your time to be the top dog of them all. 

Law 25. Re Create Yourself and Business.

There is always times in life and business that you have to change direction. This is a powerful skill to have because it gives you the ability to change with the times and move in different directions while still keeping your core values. 

Law 26. Keep Your Hands Clean 

You let your people do the dirty work and unscrupulous activity and you always stay clean. 

Law 27. Play On People’s Need To Believe To Create A Cult like Following. 

Everyone wants someone or something to believe in. You become that something to believe in and provide inspiration and motivation some how through your speeches or social media. 

Law 28. Enter Action With Boldness. 

Bold people stand out and make waves. Most people admire this and follow these type of people. The timid aren’t followed they tend follow others. 

Law 29.  Plan All The Way To The End 

Always move forward with the end goal in mind. Never just start something and not know where you plan to end the journey. 

Law 30. Make Your Work Look Effortless

Everything you do must seem like it comes to you effortlessly No one needs to know how hard you worked or the tricks you used to get the job done. 

Law 31. Control The Options 

Make others choose what you want them to. Don’t let people or competition have too many choices, always keep it where the choices are to your favor. 

Law 32. Play To People’s Fantasies

Make people are more focused on fantasy and real life will cause a person to disengage with your business. Keep the fantasy going as Long as possible. 

Law 33. Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew.

Every person or business has a weak point. You can always use this area against your competition and to your advantage. 

Law 34. Act Like A King To Be Treated Like One.

No one ever treated a poor man like a king until he acted like one himself. You have to see your self as a king to be a treated like one by others. 

Law 35. Master The Art Of Timing 

People that rush around and act hastily usually don’t amount to much. Those who understand that timing is everything learn to play the background when it’s not their moment but strike when the time is right. Strike with the precision of a marks man. 

Law 36. Don’t Worry About Things You Cannot Have.

Giving too much attention to things you can’t have makes you look weak. The weaker you look the more your competition will try you. 

Law 37. Create Compelling Spectacles. 

Be grand in your approach and stand out in the crowd. The more you stand out effortlessly the better. 

Law 38. Have Your Own Thoughts But Move Like Others.

Sometimes you have to look like the crowd and hide how you think. Make people feel comfortable with you seeming like them but in reality you are different. 

Law 39. Stir Up Waters To Catch Fish 

Being angry or showing so much emotion can cause more problems than needed but if you can make your enemies angry while you stay calm than you win and put them off balance. 

Law 40. Despise The Free Lunch. 

Try not accept too many free b’s. People tend to make you feel like you owe them something or you will be in debt to someone for what they did for you for free. Pay your way at all times whenever it’s possible. 

Law 41. Avoid Stepping Into A Great Man’s Shoes.

If someone does something great before you and you have to step in someones shoes you need to do it your way and follow a different blue print because if you don’t you will forever seem like your just playin off another mans legacy. 

Law 42. Strike The Shepherd And The Sheep Will Scatter. 

Always take down the leader or trouble makers and you will take care of the problem much easier then trying to negotiate. 

Law 43. Work On The Hearts And Minds Of Others.

Always play to the emotions of others and make them love you. Once you can do this you can do no wrong in their eyes. 

Law 44. Disarm and Infuriate With The Mirror Effect.

Use the mirror effect to make your enemies wonder what your next move is and frustrate them because They can’t guess your next move. 

Law 45. Preach The Need For Change, But Never Reform Too Much At Once. 

Show respect for the old ways of doing things but make small changes as you see fit. When you take a new position of power people tend to revolt if change happens too fast. 

Law 46. Never Appear Too Perfect. 

Only Gods are perfect. You have to show few imperfections ever so often to look like you’re not the best at everything. 

Law 47. Don’t Go Past Your Mark. 

When you go too far and over do it you make more enemies than needed. 

Law 48. Assume Formlessness

Everything in life and business changes. Never let your plans be seen by the enemy or competition. Be formless and fluid so when its time to make move you can do it effortlessly and no one will know the difference. 

These 48 laws of power and business are meant to be used in different situations and not all at once. Yes some are able to use simultaneously but not all. 

We hope you enjoyed the Wealthbuilderz 48 laws of power and Business. 

Do remember guys make more, save more, build more. Peace!!