7 Strategies to Get Your Employees On Board with GenAI

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7 Strategies to Get Your Employees On Board with GenAI

A culture that accepts this new technology can also learn how to innovate with it.

February src5, 2024

Illustration by Alex William







As with any aspect of digital transformation, the effective deployment of generative AI will depend less on technological capability than on human adaptability. Indeed, the human factor — people and culture — will drive the adoption of AI, or lack thereof. Looking at scientific research and real-world case studies, there are seven generalizable lessons for improving your ability to adopt GenAI, and any novel technology, at an organizational level: innovation boosts your organization’s immunity, focus on the problem, less is more, intuition is the common enemy, everyone loves change until they have to do it, process eats culture for lunch, and be proactive about ethical concerns.

Despite record rapid adoption and persistent media hype — ranging from dystopian to utopian coverage — generative AI is more of an area of intellectual promise or concern for businesses than an operational reality. Amidst estimates of an AI market that could reach almost $670 billion by 2030, adding up to $4.4 trillion in productivity, business leaders are still wondering what exactly to do with AI, how to leverage it, and how exactly it will deliver the advertised economic benefits. And there is no shortage of hope or belief in AI’s potential, especially during turbulent economic times.


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