Before we get into the topic make sure to leave a comment below and let me know what you think. When it comes to money it will basically reveal who you really are on the inside. If your an arrogant ass hole then when you have money its going to show because you feel you have nothing to lose because you feel secure in your finances.
A man that’s not secure in his finances usually lacks confidence and that bleeds over into his personal life. For instance if your broke or living paycheck to paycheck you’ll be quicker to try to make sure your girl doesn’t leave you.
Now let’s say you’re financially well off. Your making enough to spoil any girl you please when you go out you know your going to get attention because of your financial capability then you will be more likely to diss any girl that has a attitude and your patience would run
Thinner quicker because you feel you can find another female just as fine quicker then a dude that doesn’t have your financial capability. Is this the right way to think? Probably not will you burn some bridges in your life doing things this way, yes you probably will.
I guess when it comes down to it money doesn’t change a person it just allows that persons true personality to shine through. So if they are an asshole they will be a bigger asshole when they get money. Men with money have a different standard when it comes to females and don’t let females get away with as much as other men do.
Now men that acquire financial status while already being in a relationship have a different challenge. You don’t want to let your new found finances change you. If you were a great guy before you had money then be that guy after the money comes. If you were A nice polite guy before you had money then be that way after you get the money basically don’t let your money get to your head because good people are hard to find and if you have a good or great relationship before you got the money then you should try to hold on to that relationship with all your might.
Thats my view on the question are men more disrespectful to women when they have money? Make sure you guys leave a comment below and tell me what your thoughts are on this question.
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