Posts by Five280

Why the Latest Stimulus Package Leaves Out Aid for States

Why the Latest Stimulus Package Leaves Out Aid for States

The House passed a $484 billion aid package for small businesses, hospitals and testing. WSJ’s Gerald F.[…]

The ADL’s extremism statistics make it seem like ultraright-wing violence in the US is more common than it actually is

The ADL’s extremism statistics make it seem like ultraright-wing violence in the US is more common than it actually is

The Anti-Defamation League's statistics about extremism have been cited as authoritative by much of the press, including[…]

2 reasons why it could be better to downgrade your credit card instead of canceling it

2 reasons why it could be better to downgrade your credit card instead of canceling it

Crystal Cox/Business Insider   Paying a high annual fee on a credit card may be hard to[…]

Avocode 4.6.1 – Build web, iOS and Android apps exactly as they were designed. (Shareware)

Avocode is designed to help you inspect Photoshop and Sketch projects and export any of the included[…]

QOwnNotes 20.4.13 – Note manager with Markdown formatting and cloud sync. (Demo)

QOwnNotes is the open source (GPL) plain-text file markdown note taking application for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X[…]

Georgia’s decision to reopen businesses during a pandemic is a slap in the face to mothers

Georgia’s decision to reopen businesses during a pandemic is a slap in the face to mothers

Donald Trump disagrees with Kemp's plan to reopen personal service provides in Georgia started on Friday. And[…]

5 things to know before the stock market opens Friday

5 things to know before the stock market opens Friday

Dow futures point to a gain at Friday's open as U.S. oil prices extended their bounce back[…]

Georgia is reopening hair salons, gyms and bowling alleys despite a rise in coronavirus deaths

Georgia is reopening hair salons, gyms and bowling alleys despite a rise in coronavirus deaths

');$vidEndSlate.removeClass('video__end-slate--inactive').addClass('video__end-slate--active');}};CNN.autoPlayVideoExist = (CNN.autoPlayVideoExist === true) ? true : false;var configObj = {thumb: 'none',video: 'us/2020/04/22/atlanta-hair-salon-staying-closed-brian-kemp-covid-19-ac360-intv-vpx.cnn',width: '100%',height: '100%',section: 'domestic',profile:[…]

States Reopen for Business, but Many Big Chains Sit It Out for Now

States Reopen for Business, but Many Big Chains Sit It Out for Now

As some states lurch toward restarting their economies after coronavirus closures, many big companies remain hesitant to[…]

Mortgage-Payment Break Isn’t Boon Many Expected…

Mortgage-Payment Break Isn’t Boon Many Expected…

Mortgage-Payment Break Isn't Boon Many Expected... (Second column, 2nd story, link) Related stories:Top economist: US coronavirus response[…]

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