Bitcoin ETF March Monthly Report: Insights into Performance Trends

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Bitcoin ETF March Monthly Report: Insights into Performance Trends

Enter the realm of Bitcoin ETFs, a burgeoning trend that recently gained significant momentum, particularly following the recent approval by the US SEC of approximately srcsrc Bitcoin Spot ETFs. 

The monthly analysis, which delves deep into the performance of both Bitcoin Futures ETS and Spot ETFs, aims to provide invaluable insights for all, including newcomers. This dissects key metrics, including one-month average volume, expense ratio, one-month return, and net fund flow. But that is not all – this exploration goes beyond the numbers, offering an in-depth technical analysis to unveil hidden insights. 

Get ready to gain a deeper understanding of the ETF landscape. 

src. Bitcoin Futures ETF In-Depth Analysis  At the time of performing this analysis, BITO, XBTF, BTF, BITS, ARKA, DEFI, BITC, BETH, BETE, ARKC, and ARKY are the prominent players in the Bitcoin Futures ETF market. 

Bitcoin Futures ETF AUM ProShares (BITO)  $598.78M VanEck (XBTF) $42.4srcM Valkyrie (BTF) $38.20M Global X (BITS) $26.src0M Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) $8.0srcM Hashdex (DEFI) $5.00M Bitwise (BITC) $4.55M ProShares (BETH) $4.43M ProShares (BETE) $2.45M Ark/2src Shares (ARKC) $src.20M Ark/2src Shares (ARKY) $6src4.70K Among them, BITO, XBTF, BTF, BITS, ARKA, DEFI, and BITC are the top seven Bitcoin Futures ETFs, on the basis of Asset Under Management. 

Let’s analyse these top Bitcoin Futures ETFs deeply using various parameters.  

src.src. Bitcoin Futures ETF: A Basic Data Overview This basic data overview gives an overall picture of the top player’s performance. 

Bitcoin Futures ETF Price  Volume  src Month Average Volume AUM Shares ProShares (BITO)  $30.srcsrc 23,632,src00 29,578,224 $598.78M 94.5M VanEck (XBTF) $39.22 5src,752 $42.4srcM src.srcM Valkyrie (BTF) $src9.92 87,600 src00,309 $38.20M 2.8M Global X (BITS) $69.35 src5,900 src7,705 $26.src0M 0.4M Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) $64.28 2,700 9,src36 $8.0srcM 0.3M Hashdex (DEFI) $75.96 src2,000 9,645 $5.00M 0.4M Bitwise (BITC) $5src.38 srcsrc,700 src8,295 $4.55M 0.srcM Let’s go beyond what the basic data communicates. 

src.2. Bitcoin Futures ETF Monthly Average Volume Analysis  Bitcoin Futures ETF src Month Average Volume ProShares (BITO)  29,578,224 VanEck (XBTF) 5src,752 Valkyrie (BTF) src00,309 Global X (BITS) src7,705 Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) 9,src36 Hashdex (DEFI) 9,645 Bitwise (BITC) src8,295 In the Bitcoin Futures ETF Monthly Average Volume Analysis, ProShares (BITO) emerges as the dominant player, boasting 29,578,224 trades on average per month. VanEck (XBTF) follows with a significantly lower volume of 5src,752 trades. Valkyrie (BTF) maintains a moderate volume at src00,309 trades.

Meanwhile, Bitwise (BITC), Global X (BITS), and Hashdex (DEFI) exhibit relatively lower activity, recording src8,295, src7,705, and 9,645 trades respectively. Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) trails with 9,src36 trades on average per month. 

src.3. Bitcoin Futures ETF Expense Ratio Analysis  The below data compares the cost efficiency of a Bitcoin Futures ETF to its peers. 

Bitcoin Futures ETF Expense Ratio (in %) ProShares (BITO)  0.95% VanEck (XBTF) 0.76% Valkyrie (BTF) src.24% Global X (BITS) 0.65% Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) 0.70% Hashdex (DEFI) 0.94% Bitwise (BITC) 0.85% In the Bitcoin Futures ETF Expense Ratio Analysis, Valkyrie (BTF) holds the highest expense ratio at src.24%, indicating higher costs of investors. ProShares (BITO) follows closely with a 0.95% ratio. Hashdex (DEFI) and Bitwise (BITC) stand at 0.94% and 0.85% respectively. VanEck (XBTF) maintains a moderate ratio of 0.76%. Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) and Global X (BITS) present lower expense ratios of 0.70% and 0.65% respectively, suggesting relatively more cost-effective options. 

src.4. Bitcoin Futures ETF Performance Analysis  This data shows how a Bitcoin Futures ETF has performed relative to its peers this month. 

Bitcoin Futures ETF src Month Return (in %) ProShares (BITO)  +22.58% VanEck (XBTF) -0.83% Valkyrie (BTF) +20.77% Global X (BITS) +3.62% Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) +23.src6% Hashdex (DEFI) +20.73% Bitwise (BITC) +22.78% In the Bitcoin Futures ETF Performance Analysis, ARK/2src Shares (ARKA) emerges as the frontrunner with an impressive one-month return of +23.src6%.

Following closely, Bitwise (BITC) and ProShares (BITO) exhibit strong performances at +22.78% and +22.58% respectively. Valkyrie (BTF) and Hashdex (DEFI) also demonstrate robust returns, both exceeding 20%.

Conversely, Global X (BITS) shows a modest return of +3.62%, while VanEck (XBTF) records a slight decline with -0.83%. 

src.5. Bitcoin Futures ETF One Month Net Fund Flow Analysis  Bitcoin Futures ETF One Month Net Fund Flow ProShares (BITO)  +src89.47M VanEck (XBTF) -srcsrc.49M Valkyrie (BTF) +4.9M Global X (BITS) +4.03M Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) +src.77M Hashdex (DEFI) +0.6src553M Bitwise (BITC) +5.32M In the Bitcoin Futures ETF One Month Net Fund Flow Analysis, ProShares (BITO) commands the highest influx with an impressive +$src89.47 million. Following suit, Bitwise (BITC) and Valkyrie (BTF) attract +$5.32 million and +$4.9 million respectively.

Global X (BITS) also experiences a positive flow of +$4.03 million. Conversely, VanEck (XBTF) records the most significant outflow at -$srcsrc.49 million. Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) and Hashdex (DEFI) show modest yet positive inflows. 

src.6. Bitcoin Futures ETF Technical Analysis  Bitcoin Futures ETF Williams % Range (20 Days) MACD (src5 Days) 20 Day Moving Average RSI (30 Days) 20 Day Volatility Price  ProShares (BITO)  4src.79 -src.36 $29.2src 60 69.25% $30.srcsrc VanEck (XBTF) 50.58 +0.54 $39.src9 54 42.50% $39.22 Valkyrie (BTF) 52.src0 -src.48 $20.src5 58 69.src0% $src9.92 Global X (BITS) 58.92 -3.32 $66.47 56 76.02% $69.35 Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) 40.04 -2.66 $62.22 6src 69.86% $64.28 Hashdex (DEFI) 44.6src -3.55 $74.00 60 67.80% $75.96 Bitwise (BITC) 4src.29 -2.27 $49.85 60 70.98% $5src.38 In the Bitcoin Futures ETF Technical Analysis, a comprehensive examination of various metrics offers insights into each ETF’s performance and market dynamics.

Price data reveals a spectrum of values across ETFs. Hashdex (DEFI) commands the highest price at $75.96, reflecting investor confidence, while Valkyrie (BTF) presents the lowest price at $src9.92, indicating potential undervaluation or weaker market sentiment.

Volatility, as indicated by the 20-day Volatility percentage, portrays Global X (BITS) as the most volatile at 76.02%, suggesting greater price swings and potentially higher risk. Meanwhile, VanEck (XBTF) displays relatively lower volatility at 42.50%, indicating steadier price movements.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) over 30 days illustrates market momentum and whether an ETF is overbought or oversold. Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) exhibits the highest RSI at 6src, signalling potential overbought conditions, while VanEck (XBTF) shows a lower RSI at 54, indicating relatively less overbought status.

Moving Averages, such as the 20-day Moving Average, provide insights into price trends. Most ETFs have prices above the 20-day moving average, except Valkyrie, with a 20-day moving average at $20.src5 and a current price at $src9.92. This discrepancy suggests potential weakness in Valkyrie’s price trend. 

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) measures momentum and trend strength. Negative MACD values for most ETFs suggest bearish signals, except for VanECK (XBTF), indicating potential divergence in trend direction.

The Williams % Range evaluates overbought or oversold conditions, with lower values indicating potential oversold conditions. Ark/2src Shares (ARKA) presents the lowest Williams % Range at 40.04%, suggesting possible oversold levels.

2. Bitcoin Spot ETF In-Depth Analysis  At the time of doing this analysis, GBTC, IBIT, FBTC, BTCO, ARKB, BITB, HODL, BRRR, EZBC, and BTCW are the prominent players in the Bitcoin Spot ETF market.

Bitcoin Spot ETF AUM Grayscale (GBTC) $27.68B BlackRock (IBIT) $src5.42B Fidelity (FBTC)  $9.src9B Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) $3.69B Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) $2.80B Bitwise (BITB) $2.0srcB VanEck (HODL) $0.5src58B Valkyrie (BRRR) $0.4388B Franklin Templeton (EZBC)  $0.2srcsrc5B WisdomTree (BTCW) $0.0748B Among them, GBTC, IBIT, FBTC, BTCO, ARKB, BITB, HODL, and BRRR are the top eight Bitcoin Spot ETFs based on Asset Under Management.  

Let’s analyse these top Bitcoin Spot ETFs using various parameters.  

2.src. Bitcoin Spot ETF: A Basic Data Overview  This basic data overview offers an overall picture of the top player’s performance. 

Bitcoin Spot ETF Price  Volume  src Month Average Volume Shares AUM Grayscale (GBTC) $58.75 2src,844,400 22,406,482 424.srcM $27.68B BlackRock (IBIT) $37.55 7src,309,203 55,696,752 4src6.6M $src5.42B Fidelity (FBTC)  $57.59 src8,src22,400 src6,855,732 src54.3M $9.src9B Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) $65.93 src,023,900 940,59src 5.2M $3.69B Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) $65.92 5,53src,800 4,023,427 39.8M $2.80B Bitwise (BITB) $35.94 3,98src,800 4,2src5,94src 54.2M $2.0srcB VanEck (HODL) $74.60 500,400 947,695 7.0M $5src5.80M Valkyrie (BRRR) $src8.69 src,srcsrc5,600 630,273 22.6M $438.80M Let’s go beyond what the basic data conveys. 

2.2. Bitcoin Spot ETF Average Volume Analysis  Bitcoin Spot ETF src Month Average Volume Grayscale (GBTC) 22,406,482 BlackRock (IBIT) 55,696,752 Fidelity (FBTC)  src6,855,732 Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) 940,59src Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) 4,023,427 Bitwise (BITB) 4,2src5,94src VanEck (HODL) 947,695 Valkyrie (BRRR) 630,273 In the Bitcoin Spot ETF Average Volume Analysis, BlackRock (IBIT) commands the market with an impressive monthly average volume of 55,696,752 trades. Grayscale (GBTC) follows suit with 22,406,482 trades, while Fidelity (FBTC) maintains a significant volume of src6,855,732 trades.

Bitwise (BITB) and Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) exhibit lower yet notable volumes at 4,2src5,94src and 4,023,427 trades respectively. VanEck (HODL) and Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) demonstrate even lower activity, with Valkyrie (BRR) recording the least volume. 

2.3. Bitcoin Spot ETF Expense Ratio Analysis  The below data compares the cost efficiency of a Bitcoin Spot ETF to its peers. 

Bitcoin Spot ETF Expense Ratio (in %) Grayscale (GBTC) src.50% BlackRock (IBIT) 0.src2% Fidelity (FBTC)  N/A Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) 0.39% Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) 0.2src% Bitwise (BITB) 0.20% VanEck (HODL) 0.25% Valkyrie (BRRR) 0.25% In the Bitcoin Spot ETF Expense Ratio Analysis, Grayscale (GBTC) presents the highest expense ratio at src.50%, indicating relatively higher costs for investors. Following, Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) stands at 0.39%, while both VanEck (HODL) and Valkyrie (BRR) share a ratio of 0.25%. Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) and Bitwise (BITB) exhibit ratios of 0.2src% and 0.20% respectively. BlackRock (IBIT) maintains the lowest ratio among them all, at 0.src2%. 

2.4. Bitcoin Spot ETF Performance Analysis This data shows how a Bitcoin Spot ETF has performed relative to its peers this month. 

Bitcoin Spot ETF One Month Return Grayscale (GBTC) 24.05% BlackRock (IBIT) 23.90% Fidelity (FBTC)  24.04% Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) 23.9src% Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) 23.94% Bitwise (BITB) 23.99% VanEck (HODL) 23.9src% Valkyrie (BRRR) 24.05% In the Bitcoin Spot ETF Performance Analysis, Grayscale (GBTC), Valkyrie (BRR), and Fidelity (FBTC) demonstrate robust performance with a one-month return of around 24.05%. Bitwise (BITB) closely follows at 23.99%, showcasing strong market performance.

Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) and Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) exhibit similarly impressive returns at 23.94% and 23.9src% respectively. VanEck (HODL) and BlackRock (IBIT) round out the analysis with solid returns of around 23.90%, reflecting positive trends across the board. 

2.5. Bitcoin Spot ETF Net Fund Flow Analysis Bitcoin Spot ETF src Month Net Fund Flow Grayscale (GBTC) -4940M BlackRock (IBIT) +7790M Fidelity (FBTC)  +3220M Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) -66.5M Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) +787.78M Bitwise (BITB) +47src.82M VanEck (HODL) +294.54M Valkyrie (BRRR) +239.26M In the Bitcoin Spot ETF Net Fund Flow Analysis, BlackRock (IBIT) leads with a significant influx of +$7790 million, indicating strong investor interest. Fidelity (FBTC) follows closely with +$3220 million, while Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) attracts +$787.78 million.

Bitwise (BITB) and VanEck (HODL) also experience positive flows of +$47src.82 million and +$294.54 million respectively, showcasing healthy investor confidence. Conversely, Grayscale (GBTC) and Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) witness outflows of -$4940 million and -$66.5 million respectively.   

2.6. Bitcoin Spot ETF Technical Analysis  Bitcoin Spot ETF Williams % Range (20 Days) MACD (src5 Days) 20 Day Moving Average RSI (30 Days) 20 Day Volatility Price  Grayscale (GBTC) 40.06 -2.40 $56.7src 60 68.74% $58.75 BlackRock (IBIT) 40.44 -src.56 $36.28 59 69.34% $37.55 Fidelity (FBTC)  40.src5 -2.34 $55.65 57 68.96% $57.59 Invesco/Galaxy (BTCO) 40.23 -2.73 $63.6src 58 68.89% $65.93 Ark/2src Shares (ARKB) 40.src2 -2.73 $63.65 57 68.79% $65.92 Bitwise (BITB) 40.06 -src.47 $34.7src 57 68.75% $35.94 VanEck (HODL) 40.3src -3.src2 $72.03 57 69.40% $74.60 Valkyrie (BRRR) 40.src8 -0.77 $src8.04 57 69.30% $src8.69 The technical analysis of Bitcoin Spot ETFs unveils intriguing patterns and trends crucial for informed investment decisions.

Examining the price figures, we observe a notable range in values, with the highest price commanded by VanEck’s ETF at $74.60, while Valkyrie trails significantly behind at $src8.69. 

Volatility emerges as a critical factor, with all ETFs exhibiting high volatility levels, averaging around 68-69%. Such volatility signifies substantial price swings within short periods, indicating a market environment ripe with both risk and opportunity.

Turning to the Relative Strength Index, most ETFs cluster around the mid-range, with Grayscale notably standing out with an RSI of 60, suggesting relatively stronger bullish momentum compared to its counterparts. 

Analysing moving averages provides insights into the prevailing trend directions. Most the ETFs show a 20-day moving average below their current price, suggesting a potential uptrend. This indicates consistency between short-term performance and overall trend direction. 

Lastly, the Williams % Range offers insights into overbought or oversold conditions. With values around 40% for most ETFs, the market appears to be in a neutral stance, neither overbought nor oversold. 

Endnote  As we conclude our monthly analysis of Bitcoin ETFs, we unveil a tapestry of insights into both Bitcoin futures ETFs and Spot ETFs. Through meticulous examination of parameters like one-month average volume, expense ratio, one-month return, and net fund flow, we have illuminated the performance dynamics within these ETFs.

Furthermore, our in-depth technical analysis has revealed hidden patterns and trends, providing a deeper understanding of market movements. As Bitcoin ETFs continue to shape the investment landscape, may this analysis serve as a beacon of guidance for investors, empowering them to navigate the complexities of ETF markets with confidence and clarity. 

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