
MIT researchers translated the coronavirus into music offering a new perspective for studying the virus

MIT researchers translated the coronavirus into music offering a new perspective for studying the virus

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology aren't only looking at the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, through a[…]

South America has become new COVID-19 epicenter, WHO says

South America has become new COVID-19 epicenter, WHO says

AP Photo/Leo Correa THe World Health Organization announced Friday that South America has become a new epicenter[…]

Project Office 5.5 – A full-featured project management app. (Demo)

Project Office is a full-featured project management app. Designed to help you manage, create and monitor your[…]

AltTab 3.24.1 – Windows alt-tab on macOS. (Free)

AltTab brings the power of Windows' "alt-tab" window switcher to macOS. Usage Press ⌥ option + ⇥[…]

Missouri’s old in-person voting rules risks lives. My Jewish faith supports life — and absentee voting.

Missouri’s old in-person voting rules risks lives. My Jewish faith supports life — and absentee voting.

Missouri should relax rules on in-person voting. Jewish leaders say religion insists on absentee voting to save

The Secret to Searing a Bistro-Quality Steak

The Secret to Searing a Bistro-Quality Steak

AS MANY TIMES as I’ve cooked steak, I’ve only rarely achieved that state of perfection found in[…]

These High-End Home Offices Mean Business – The Wall Street Journal

These High-End Home Offices Mean Business – The Wall Street Journal

With telecommuting on the rise, homeowners are carving out luxurious work-from-home spaces

Doctors on the Theodore Roosevelt Feared Dozens Would Die in Coronavirus Outbreak – The Wall Street Journal

Doctors on the Theodore Roosevelt Feared Dozens Would Die in Coronavirus Outbreak – The Wall Street Journal

Doctors on the Theodore Roosevelt Feared Dozens Would Die in Coronavirus Outbreak  The Wall Street Journal USS Theodore[…]

US billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic, according to report

US billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic, according to report

US billionaires saw a major boost in net worth in the first two months of the coronavirus[…]

10 things in tech you need to know today

10 things in tech you need to know today

Good morning! This is the tech news you need to know this Friday. Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook[…]

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