Brigit is a payday loan app that is mainly known for its payday advances that customers can get up to $250 from. However, Brigit is more than a paycheck advance app. Brigit has many other features like budgeting and overdraft fee protection that can make it an awesome loan app to have.
However, it will cost you some money to use Brigit to its fullest extent. The cost is $10 a month to use the other features beside the payday loan portion. In my opinion the $10 a month is worth it if your the type to struggle with organizing your finances and budgeting your monthly income.
The reason I think this is a really good app to have is because its useful. Most apps are just payday loan apps and have nothing else to offer you as a consumer.`According to some estimations, there are nearly 100 million Americans that live paycheck to paycheck which is close to one-third of the entire population of the U.S. Each of these Americans rely on their next payday to make payments on things like utilities, rent, loan and credit card payments as well as buying essentials like food, clothing, and transportation.
And after all these expenses it can put your checking account balance in the red. Now your ending up over-drafting your bank account. Instead of you spending $10 on lunch you end up paying $44 because you get an over draft of $34.
It’s a come up for the bank but a financial problem for you. This is what millions of Americans are going through on a weekly basis Spending $34 – $100 on overdraft fees just to make through the week. That’s where Brigit comes in and try’s to save the day with the ability to fund your account with anywhere between $50 – $250 until your next payday.
They help you in so many ways with your finances you should definitely take a look and sign up today.
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