DeGods and Y00ts Swap Solana for Ethereum/Polygon

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DeGods and Y00ts Swap Solana for Ethereum/Polygon

By Philip Maina

src7 hours agoWed Dec 28 2022 src0:36:58

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Leading NFT projects from Dust Labs are moving from Solana to Ethereum and Polygon
Dust Labs is seeking to attract more collectors of its DeGods and y00ts NFTs
The NFT creator plans to have the two bridged onto their respective blockchains before March 2023

Leading NFTs on Solana, DeGods and y00ts, are moving from the blockchain to Ethereum and Polygon respectively. According to the NFTs’ creator, Dust Labs, the move is meant to attract more collectors and unlock new opportunities. Apart from the NFTs, the DeGods’ ecosystem token, DUST, will also find a new home on the two chains.

Solana Exit is “Just the Beginning”
Announcing the news on Twitter, Frank III, the pseudonymous artist behind the collectibles, disclosed that NFTs will continue existing on the Solana blockchain but suggested that the collections may completely move off the blockchain to other chains in the future. 

It’s just the beginning.

— Frank III (@frankdegods) December 25, 2022

In a recent discussion, the artist said that the projects he is involved in are looking to move the NFTs to a decentralized platform that’s likely to lead the growth of the NFT sector. Explaining his point, Frank III said that the popularity of NFTs depends on their adoption, adding that blockchains are incorporating NFT-specific features in a bid to become the preferred chains where NFTs receive the most attention.

According to Frank III, although many blockchains offered to house y00ts NFTs, they settled on Polygon due to the platform’s recent deals with Adidas, Reddit, Disney and Nike as their preferred NFT engine, which brings a “lot of opportunity on a strategic level.”

Solana Co-founder Calls Move “Bittersweet”
Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko was not very happy with the news saying it’s a “bittersweet [move] to watch” as he would have preferred to see the NFT projects continue building solely on Solana.

.@solana unicorns like @MagicEden @phantom @DeGodsNFT are going multichain. It’s bittersweet to watch. It would be awesome for them to src00% focus on @solana. But reality is that these projects want to conquer the world. But so does the @solana community!🧵

— toly 🇺🇸 (@aeyakovenko) December 26, 2022

However, Frank III revealed that the Ethereum and Polygon bridges are opt-in, meaning that users have a choice to stay on Solana or move to the other chains. With the news coming a few months after the chain suffered a massive hack and the two NFT projects being among the top collectibles to the chain, it adds to the falling interest in the blockchain whose reputation has taken a hit this year.

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