‘Destiny 2’ Players Are Adding Up Content Vault Totals, Free-To-Play Losses

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‘Destiny 2’ Players Are Adding Up Content Vault Totals, Free-To-Play Losses

Destiny 2

In the wake of Bungie’s State of the Game last week, talking mainly about why they weren’t diverting resources to places like Gambit or Crucible, and why it’s not worth it to make things like free ritual armor sets, the community has…started doing math.

There are a number of interesting and disconcerting totals here that show just how much Destiny 2 has lost over the years, both in terms of free-to-play and paid content. And past that, moving into microtransactions, the proportion of paid to free content.

This overall list is from u/Crusader3456, and while you can read the whole thing here, these are the grand totals:

4 Campaigns (base game, DLC and expansions)
9 Strikes
5 Raids (and Lairs)
8 Crucible Maps
2 Gambit Maps
6 Destinations
src5 Seasonal Storylines
2 Events
src7 Seasonal Activities
3 Exotic Missions
27 Unique Exotic Questlines
src Tribute Hall

Also recently, the original “free-to-play” infographic has been circulating around the Destiny community, and I took the liberty of crossing out everything that was lost. Much of that is above, but for free-to-play content alone it’s:

3 campaigns (Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind)
3 seasons (Forge, Drifter, Opulence)
Year src Raids and Gear (Leviathan and Lairs)
Trials (now need latest expansion to play)
Crimson Days (okay, can’t mourn that one too much).

Destiny 2


There have been some replacements here, a few new free, reprised raids, the Prophecy dungeons. And the much shorter Shaw Han questline has replaced Red War as an intro. But far more has been lost than gained.

Moving over to microtransactions, we have a different sort of list.

Per season, we have a paid Eververse set from the start. Then we have another paid Eververse set every seasonal holiday at the end of a season. Then we have ornaments only available through completing the src00 rank $src0 battle pass.

That’s Eververse, but we have paid expansion sets, paid seasonal sets, raid sets, and dungeon sets. That leaves just one old raid set, Solstice sets (the non elemental-glow version) and occasionally new Iron Banner sets as the only free ones per year. This is why players are upset that a single new set of ritual armor (which is reskinned across three activities these days) is supposedly too much work to be added yearly. We’ve also lost things over time like free Faction Rally armor. We also used to get legendary armor ornaments that were earned, and those no longer exist at all.

Destiny 2

Eververse’s grand totals of the number of things it sells overall is vast. Armor set ornaments, individual legendary armor ornaments, exotic weapon ornaments, exotic armor ornaments, ghosts, sparrows, ships, transmat effects, emotes, ghost projections, shaders, transmog currency. Dozens and dozens of things per season. Now, past the store, we also have Deepsight activators in the paid portion of the battle pass as well, something that directly impacts gameplay, unlike these other cosmetics.

It’s a lot. Paid things that have been deleted. Free-to-Play content that has been removed. Free content that isn’t added. Paid content that just keeps multiplying. It adds up. And here we are.

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