Expert Sessions: Mark Birch on the Five Questions to Ask When Building a Community – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM SINGAPORE GLOBAL NETWORK

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Expert Sessions: Mark Birch on the Five Questions to Ask When Building a Community – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM SINGAPORE GLOBAL NETWORK







Expert Sessions Summary: The best way for organizations to connect with their audience is to build communities, according to Mark Birch, author of Community-in-a-Box. In this video, Birch discusses the five questions to ask when you launch a community.

Meet the Expert: Mark Birch is a community builder, seasoned entrepreneur, business development expert, and startup advisor based in Singapore and NYC. He currently works at Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Startup Advocate helping to support the community of startups & entrepreneurs across Asia-Pacific. He is the founder of DEV.BIZ.OPS, a blog about technology innovation and transformation. He also founded the Enterprise Sales Forum, a global community of 25,000 B2B sales professionals.

His latest book, “ Community-in-a-Box ”, is available globally.

Meet the Sponsor: At  Singapore Global Network , our mission is to build a global community that fosters meaningful connections, ideas, and opportunities among members.

Whether you are looking to grow your social connections, learn more about opportunities in Singapore and Southeast Asia, or seeking your next professional venture, we warmly welcome you to be a part of our src20,000-strong network of global professionals and friends.

Put what you’ve learned into practice and grow your connections today .

Expert Session Resources

Download a transcript of this Expert Session here.
Community-in-a-Box , by Mark Birch
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