First lets talk about why you should build your credit history. As per Nerdwallet.com A strong credit history will help you qualify for the best credit cards, which include low interest rates, rewards and cash back. As well as helping you save money, these perks will encourage you to keep using your credit card — which will help your credit if you continue to make payments when they’re due.
But the problem is a lot of people don’t know how to actually build a solid credit history. Its a lot of different ways to build credit history but the most common way is to apply to high interest credit cards. This is good if your one of those people that have discipline but not every one has this iron clad discipline.
Most people struggle with credit and run into the high interest demon that destroys the average person’s dream of having good credit but I’m here to help you with this new debit card that will help you build credit without you having to open a new credit line.
Extra The Debit Card That Helps You Build Credit
The Debit card is called Extra or Extra.app. its a revolutionary way to build credit history. At the end of the month the purchases made with Extra are tallied up and reported to credit bureaus to help build your credit history with the money you actually have and not borrowed.
There is a monthly fee starting at $7 per month for just helping you build credit and $9 per month to add on being able to get rewards and credit building together. They claim to have the best rewards in debit. Your able to earn points everywhere. Instantly earn points for every purchase you make. Get points for rideshare, coffee, or even paying your phone bill.
You don’t have to even get rid of your bank. All you do is connect your bank through the app. So you can literally still use your own money in your own bank and start creating credit history. its that easy. If your interested check it out here.
What’s not to like about this new banking app? Well in my opinion nothing at all. This is one of those apps that you can really use to change your life. Because a better credit score will put you in a place of better loans, easier approval on apartments, lower car payments and even a better mortgage on your dream home.

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