Ok so what exactly do you need to start a mobile beauty supply store business
First and foremost get yourself a llc
If you don’t know what a llc is it’s a limited liability company. This will help you to get your business insured and you can use it to gain access to other perks.
Like if you want to expand to other areas or hire people then having a llc from the beginning is the way to go. Learn more about how to start a llc here.
Next you will need a cargo van to hold your product. You could sell it out your trunk but this is worst case scenario. If you can afford it I would buy a van.
I would get it wrapped with the business name and website.
You will need a website to have your customers go to if they can’t get to you.
Two Customers For A Mobile Beauty Supply Business
The product should be geared toward two different types of customers.
Your first customer is the beauty shops and barbershops in your neighborhood.
You would literally ride around to different locations and sell your supplies out of your van or car. This is why you want to get your van wrapped or car wrapped because you will look much more professional.
You can source your products from a few different places. You could get product from Amazon wholesale, Your local wholesaler of beauty supply products and any other online site. I have a few listed below.
So basically you will go around to different salons, Barbershop’s and even nail salons and provide them supplies for the stylists and customers.
Then you can have it delivered to the customers yourself or have a delivery service like Ups or Fedex to drop off the product.
But honestly if you don’t have a problem with talking to people and building business relationships then this is a great business for you start.
So there you have it.
This is how you start a mobile beauty supply business.
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