Why Multitasking Will Never make you rich
Let me start this off by saying the rich,
I mean the really rich don’t Multitask when they first started their business. They don’t try to focus on more than one business at a time.
When a successful person starts out they usually don’t have money to hire people or start multiple things at once and put people in place
To handle the day to day aspect of that particular business so they focus on one particular business and they make it pop. They don’t start a food truck company and car detailing business at the same time.
Nope they don’t do things like that.
They focus on one business make it successful and the move on to something else. I know you hear things like don’t put all your eggs in one basket or things like you have to diversify your business to stay relevant and all this good stuff.
Well that’s cool and all but honestly if you find a niche that you absolutely love and you’ve done the research on so you know it will be a profitable business then there is no need to diversify or try to become a octopus to keep your hands in multiple pots.
Until your primary business brings in enough income that it replaces your current job income. Then you can start diversifying and trying other things.
People aren’t natural multitaskers so the average person does a mediocre job at best when they multitask anything let alone a business. You ever heard energy grows where your focus goes? It’s just that simple.You build your business to a financial success and then you branch out to other things. Don’t let other folks talk you into thinking Multi tasking is the way to becoming rich and successful because it’s not.
With that being said thanks for watching my video on Multitasking and Why It Wont’ Make You Rich.
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