Ohio senator uses Zoom background to try to hide the fact he’s driving

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Ohio senator uses Zoom background to try to hide the fact he’s driving

On the same day a distracted driving bill was introduced, state Senator Andrew Brenner participated in a government video meeting while driving. While that’s ironic enough, the best part was that he used a Zoom background to try and disguise the fact he was driving. Because, ya know, everybody wears a seat belt at home while taking Zoom calls. Sometimes I even put on a bike helmet too just in case.

This Ohio State Senator thought he was slick, using a Zoom background of his home office while driving… debating a bill for harsher penalties for distracted driving https://t.co/XfangsLaHX pic.twitter.com/r55ti7bsma— Brody Logan (@BrodyLogan) May 6, 2021

Keep going for some video of his escapades after the jump.
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