Chase and other big banks shuffled Paycheck Protection Program small business applications, lawsuit says

Chase and other big banks shuffled Paycheck Protection Program small business applications, lawsuit says

CLOSE Here are four ways consumers can help support small businesses who are struggling financially during the coronavirus pandemic. Wochit Two companies in California filed a class-action lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase bank alleging unfair business practices toward some small businesses that applied for coronavirus-related loans under the government’s Paycheck Protection Program. In the suit filed on Sunday, a cybersecurity…

Top House Republican Backs Adding Hospital Funding to Small-Business Package

Top House Republican Backs Adding Hospital Funding to Small-Business Package

WASHINGTON—The top House Republican said he would support adding money for hospitals to funding for a popular small-business aid program, pointing the way to a potential breakthrough in stalled talks with Democrats on the current round of stimulus spending. In an interview, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) said he would pair hospital funding…

Pentagon Getting Pushed to Shift Resources to Asia…

Pentagon Getting Pushed to Shift Resources to Asia…

Pentagon Getting Pushed to Shift Resources to Asia… (Third column, 9th story, link ) Related stories: Iranian vessels come dangerously close to U.S. military ships… Russian jet flies within 25 feet of American spy plane… Moscow tests satellite killer…