Trump Administration Considers Halting GE Venture’s Engine Deliveries to China

Trump Administration Considers Halting GE Venture’s Engine Deliveries to China

The Trump administration is considering a proposal to halt deliveries of jet engines co-produced by General Electric Co. for a new airliner being developed in China, a potential escalation of protective trade measures that could have steep repercussions for the major American manufacturer. The administration may decline to issue a license allowing CFM International, a…

SNACK WORLD – Episode 4 – Purple Cream Puffs!?

SNACK WORLD Episode 4, Purple Cream Puffs!?, – Watch on Crunchyroll ‘, replycount = ‘5’, threadlimit = ‘2’, pagelimit = ‘5’; { pg = parseInt($(this).attr(‘data-page’)); $(this).hide(); $(“#allCommentsList”).append(loading_message); $.get(url, {pg: pg, talkboxid: talkboxid, sort: sortParams, replycount: replycount, threadlimit: threadlimit, pagelimit:pagelimit}, function(data) { data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); if (data && data.length) { $(btn).attr(‘data-page’, pg+1); $(“#singleComment”).tmpl(data.slice(0,parseInt(pagelimit)), {thread_limit: 0}).appendTo(“#allCommentsList”);…

SNACK WORLD – Episode 16 – Chup’s Amuse-bouche

SNACK WORLD Episode 16, Chup’s Amuse-bouche, – Watch on Crunchyroll ‘, replycount = ‘5’, threadlimit = ‘2’, pagelimit = ‘5’; { pg = parseInt($(this).attr(‘data-page’)); $(this).hide(); $(“#allCommentsList”).append(loading_message); $.get(url, {pg: pg, talkboxid: talkboxid, sort: sortParams, replycount: replycount, threadlimit: threadlimit, pagelimit:pagelimit}, function(data) { data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); if (data && data.length) { $(btn).attr(‘data-page’, pg+1); $(“#singleComment”).tmpl(data.slice(0,parseInt(pagelimit)), {thread_limit: 0}).appendTo(“#allCommentsList”); $(“.reply-form”).each(function()…

In Wuhan, China’s Residential Committees Fight Outbreak on Front Line

In Wuhan, China’s Residential Committees Fight Outbreak on Front Line

WUHAN, China—Local Communist Party representative Xiao Lifang has been working nearly nonstop since the outbreak of a deadly virus here, helping to figure out who needs to be quarantined or hospitalized, checking temperatures, and delivering food and medicine to the thousands of residents she oversees. “Everything is dumped on the shequ,” she said, using the…