Inside the Rising Appeal of Lakefront Town Traverse City, Michigan

Inside the Rising Appeal of Lakefront Town Traverse City, Michigan

The aquamarine water of West Grand Traverse Bay glinting in the sun, pristine public beaches where kids play and adults soak in the rays and the scenic Boardman River that slices through town, where salmon and steelhead leap for the catching: This is Traverse City, Michigan. “Traverse City is a very hidden gem that is

Top 10 Walkable Cities With Affordable Homes Priced Below $450K

Top 10 Walkable Cities With Affordable Homes Priced Below $450K

Walkable cities aren’t just for long summer strolls—they’re also practical, making it easier to reach a bodega, a pharmacy, or a farmers market. However, some of the most walkable U.S. cities are also some of the most expensive. Take New York City , perhaps the most walkable of all U.S. cities. Its median home list