The Ultimate Guide To Podcasting

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When it comes to podcasting I’m still a lite weight in the industry but I do know a little bit about a little bit and I want to share what i do know about starting a podcast. I hope this article is helpful and if it is make sure you like it and share it on your social media sites.

A podcast is a collection or series of digital audio files that are made available for downloading or listening via the Internet. Each individual audio recording is known as a podcast episode. 

Podcasts are typically hosted by an individual or individuals who lead a conversation, share stories, or report the news.A podcast can have many purposes, but the main one is to entertain its audience

Podcast listeners might have one of several reasons to subscribe to a podcast, such as to: 

Hear updates and breakdowns of current events. Learn about a new topic or industry.

So is it even possible for new podcasts to make money? 

The answer is yes. By setting up a few automated revenue streams, new podcasters can accrue passive income that grows alongside their audience, giving them time back to focus on podcasting.

How Do You Start A Podcast? 

Just like starting a Website, A Youtube Channel a instagram or even a Tiktok account you should always start off with a Niche your niche is the topic of your Podcast. 

Try to narrow it down to something you can speak about for many episodes (100+) but that isn’t so broad that you won’t appeal to your potential audience.For example, instead of having an “outdoor” podcast, talk about hiking – or even more specific, like hikersYou can always expand your topic later as you get more popular.

After you know your niche then its time to pick a name but your name should be encompassing of your niche but be broad enough to have 100 plus episodes.You should also have a website that you can embed your podcast on.It’s a good way to easily direct people to your podcast. 

You can have a set of ads on the site through Google ads network and your own advertising 

Podcast Show Format 

Find a good format that fits you and your topic. I would do anywhere between 5 – 15 mins and see what my audience responds to more. If they tend to watch the 5 minute podcasts more then I would try to keep my podcasts between 5-10 minutes long if they are the type of crowd that digs the 15 minute podcasts then I would shoot for 15-25 minute range, 

What ever format you choose try to find a even medium between what your  audience and what you like. 

There are different styles of podcasts. 

You can do a solo podcast or a co hosted podcast. You can do interviews and things of that nature and with different interviews bring in a multitude of audiences

Episode Format can be simple.

Here’s one example:

  • Teaser
  • Intro Music
  • Welcome
  • Ad Spot
  • Interview
  • Call To Action (“Review us on iTunes!”)
  • Outro Music

Before you get much farther in having your own podcast the best thing you can do to prepare yourself is to get a quality mic made for podcasting. Since Audio quality has to be top notch I’ve included some links here to grab a mic through Amazon.

As you can see it’s a lot to setting up an podcast but this is why a lot of people shy away from starting a podcast or canceling it. 

What if though you could skip all this frustrating start up costs and even skip recording the podcast yourself altogether and still have a podcast. If your interested In learning how Click the link below right now but the product is called Podkaster.

This can actually help you become a podcasting star In as short as a day. You don’t need anything but a niche, a script and a desire to make money with your own podcast even if you never sat behind a desk with a mic before this product is for you. 

So what can Podkastr do for you? 

Well you can 

  • Create high converting Podcasts quickly for ANY business or ANY niche.
  • Take an existing funnel that’s not working and fix it FAST
  • convert up to 10X more website visitors to buyers
  • Get up to 5X faster and easier lead generation than ever before
  • Increase your customer retention DRASTICALLY
  • Get as much as 90% more opens and clicks in your emails blasts
  • Get video testimonials in just seconds while boosting brand credibility, 
  • authority, and trust that can bring more sales

So as you can tell podkastr can really help you build another stream of income.

I hope you enjoyed the post.

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