Top 10 Ways To Save Money That You Never Thought Of

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Whats good wealthbuilderz
its yah boy DeVaughn back again with another video
and today we are talking about
my top 10 ways to save money that you never thought of
so lets go!!

Stop buying cheap
People think buying cheap will save them money but in reality things that get bought and are cheaply made get thrown away faster or used up.

Like you ever bought cheap toilet tissue that didn’t work well. Then you end up using it up too fast because it doesn’t work well. Then you end going back to the store and getting more. When you could’ve gotten the slightly more expensive brand to not have to buy more in the long run.

Learn to negotiate

Learning to negotiate can be difference between getting what you want or you paying a price that you hate.

Being a negotiator is simple. All you need to know is the price you want to pay. I would start practicing my negotiating skills by starting off small.
Like negotiating the price of a tv or Furniture.

Change your Tax Deduction

Most people are getting taxed by the IRS way too much to the point they are leaving 200 – 300 dollars a week on the table. If you want to find out more info on getting taxed less that’s so you can save more then click the link below.

Stop paying for memberships you don’t use

I’ve fallen victim to this one. Not realizing certain things I was paying for monthly. I’ve paid over $100 a year for a service I used only once. I could’ve put that directly in my pocket and added that to my investments. Most people have two or three subscriptions that they pay for monthly but don’t use.

Stop taking a sale price at face value

When your out at your local store and you see that big slash in prices ask yourself does this make sense and are these slashes Of price really what they say they are.

Applying for store credit cards just for discounts

This is a twofold mistake because your damaging your credit and most of the time those discounts aren’t worth much anyway. Especially not worth you damaging your credit. Usually if you charge your card you won’t pay it off in time and now your in debt.

Buying more to save more

This never works. The saving never adds up to what you have to spend to get those savings. This only works when what your buying is needed or worth it.

Spending more for free shipping

I’m the king at doing this when I’m shopping online. Most of the time the shipping cost wasn’t even that high to begin with.

Grocery shopping without a list

If you don’t have a list when going to the Grocery store you will end up over spending guaranteed. It’s just like going to the grocery store while your hungry. It just won’t work.

Paying more for convenience

I don’t understand people that pay for things like valet parking when they can park themselves. Or paying extra to skip a line at movie theater. 9 times out of ten it won’t be worth it bottom line.

These are my top 10 Ways To Save Money That You Never thought about.

Thanks for watching
It’s yah boy DeVaughn signing off
Do remember Wealthbuilderz
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