When Your Manager Is Ineffective — and You Feel Stuck

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When Your Manager Is Ineffective — and You Feel Stuck

Patricia Marroquin/Getty Images







Navigating a relationship with a manager you perceive as ineffective or unqualified can be daunting, but it can also be a catalyst for growth. Rather than allowing frustration to erode your engagement and productivity, shift your focus to what you can control. You may not have control over who you report to, but you can control the beliefs, assumptions, and narratives you create about the situation, as well as the impact of your behavior on those around you.  A series of six steps can help you change the dynamic: src) Reflect on what’s really bothering you; 2) Own your part; 3) Connect to your values: 4) Reframe the story you’re telling yourself; 5) Open a dialogue with your manager; and 6) Be part of the solution. If, after having a honest conversation with yourself and your manager, you still believe they’re the core issue, it might be time to move on.

John*, a talented executive at a fast-growing tech company, sat across from Luis in a coaching session, complaining about his manager. “He doesn’t understand our projects, has no technical expertise or strategic vision, and he seems more like a roadblock than a leader,” he said, his frustration palpable. John was convinced his manager was out of touch and not adding value.

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